Ditch the carbs with my Keto Chicken Nuggets recipe, they're the low carb fast food snack you'll be craving.
If you loved my KFC Keto Fried Chicken recipe.
Whether you are eating keto or not this recipe will delight, because it is delicious!
Bahan Membuat Nugget tahu keto expres
- Bahan nugget :.
- 125 gr tahu kuning peras haluskan.
- 1 btr telur.
- 10 sachet sweetener.
- 7 sdm keju parut.
- Bahan tambahan :.
- 1 sdt greentea bubuk.
- 4 sdm whipped cream bubuk.
- 7 sdm air dingin/air es.
- Utk taburan :.
- Keju parut scukupnya.
- Coklat meiseis scukupnya.
- Coklat chip scukupnya.
Langkah Memasak Nugget tahu keto expres
- Aduk rata bahan adonan nugget hingga halus sisihkan dulu. bentuk persegi empat adonan dan gulingkan di tepung panir hingga rata sambil sedikit ditekan2 lalu goreng hingga kuning kecoklatan..
- Ini yg baru diangkat dan udh ditiriskan,tepung panirnya nempel bun ! Meskipun ngga dicelupin telur 😊.
- Kocok whipped bubuk,greentea bubuk dgn air es /air dingin hingga kaku lalu masukkan ke dlm piping bag..
- Lalu masing2 nugget disemprot dgn whipped cream lalu masing2 di taburi dgn keju parut,coklat chip dan meiseis..
- Siap disantap 😊.
Keto chicken nuggets are the miracle play in this scenario. You need something that's quick, that kids won't complain about (OK, no guarantees, but MOST kids like nuggets), and, something that's Keto. That's an amazing thing because ask yourself how many times you've. You can eat keto at Panda Express but you have to know exactly what you can and can't order. The big thing to note is that much of their food appears to be keto-friendly on the surface.
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