It is super simple to make too!
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Brownies moelleux aux pépites de chocolat.
Bahan Membuat Brownies super simpel
- 1 renceng goriorio (10 bks).
- 2 btr telur.
- 6 sdm susu kental manis.
- 6 sdm minyak.
- Fla keju.
- 250 ml Uht.
- secukupnya Susu kental manis.
- 75 g keju chedar.
- 1,5 sdm tepung maizena.
Langkah Memasak Brownies super simpel
- Hancurkan goriorio beserta isinya sampai halus. Di wadah terpisah, kocok telur dengan wisk/garpu hingga berbusa.
- Campirkan remahan goriorio kedalam telur, beri susu kental manis, aduk.
- Tambahkan minyak goreng lalu aduk kembali.
- Taruh di cetakan/loyang, lalu kukus selama 45 menit dengan api kecil.
- Membuat fla: rebus UHT pada panci, masukan keju, susu kental manis lalu aduk. Setelah mendidih masukan maizena lalu aduk lagi hingga agak kental. Lumuri di atas brownis.
They are simple, super chewy, and are made with a secret ingredient that makes these brownies These brownies are simple and quick if you want a decadent dessert fast! It will also fill up your. It's such a simple brownie recipe guaranteed to be a hit! So this homemade brownie recipe is a family classic…One of those things that my mom made for me growing up. And when she passed away a.
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