Tiramisu is perhaps Italy's most famous dessert export, and with reason!
Once the tiramisu has chilled, dust it with a VERY light cover of cocoa powder for decoration (optional) before serving.
This keto tiramisu cake was no exception.
Bahan Membuat Tiramisu layer Keto
- Bahan crepes.
- 4 butir telur ayam.
- 1 bks agar plain.
- 150 ml Susu F & N.
- 1/4 blok keju chedar.
- 1 bks nescafe classic.
- 4 bks diabetasol.
- 1/2 sdt garam himalaya.
- 1/2 sdt baking powder.
- 150 ml santan kara.
- 1/2 sdt esen vanila.
- Selai coklat keto.
- Margarin.
- Bahan Whipcream.
- 200 ml whiping cream (saya pake anchor).
- 4 bks diabetasol.
Langkah Memasak Tiramisu layer Keto
- Campur whiping cream dan diabetasol, aduk menggunakan mixer dengan kecepatan tinggi sampai kaku. Simpan di kulkas..
- Campur semua bahan crepes, aduk rata..
- Panaskan teplon menggunakan margarin. Masak bahan crepes di atas teplon seperti membuat kulit risol. Masak samapai adonan abis. Tunggu sampai dingin..
- Setelah crepes dingin, beri whipcream di atas crepes satu persatu, lalu semua di tumpuk jadi satu. Untuk crepes paling atas di beri selai coklat..
The Keto Diet has become the go to diet for losing weight and managing diabetes. It's all about eating good fats and cutting down carbohydrates. This rich, coffee-flavored classic is surprisingly easy to make. Healthy low-carb, keto and paleo recipes plus free guides and diet plans to help you achieve your goals on the ketogenic diet. To assemble the cake: Place one plain cake layer on a serving plate.
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