Drain, shake and dry the potatoes with kitchen towels before mashing with a potato masher or ricer.
Quickly add the warmed milk and butter to the potatoes and season to taste.
Sauerkraut is finely cut raw cabbage that has been fermented by various lactic acid bacteria.
Bahan Membuat Sauerkraut mash/ zuurkoolstamppot 🇳🇱
- 0,5 kg kentang.
- 1/4 gelas susu.
- 1/2 sdt pala bubuk.
- 0,5 sdt garam.
- 200 gr sauerkraut/ zuurkool.
- 1 apel.
- 1 gelas air putih.
- 5-6 potong nanas (optional).
- Keju parut (optional).
- Sosis asap (optional).
Langkah Memasak Sauerkraut mash/ zuurkoolstamppot 🇳🇱
- Kupas dan masak kentang hingga matang. Buang airnya, tambahkan pala, garam dan susu. Haluskan dan sisihkan. Pilihlah kentang yang cocok untuk di mash supaya lebih enak..
- Isi panci baru dengan secangkir air dan masak sauerkraut bersama apel sekitar 10 menit. Aku beli plain sauerkraut dalam pak yang sudah diiris tipis. Boleh dibilas dahulu kalau terlalu asam. Note: setelah dimasak, rasa asamnya akan berkurang..
- Tiriskan sauerkraut dan apel, lalu aduk rata bersama mashed potato. Sebenarnya sauerkraut mashnya sudah jadi..
- Tapi enaknya ditambah nanas juga karena sauerkraut pada dasarnya asam. Optional step: susun sauerkraut mash di oven dish, kasih topping nanas dan keju parut diatasnya. Grill sebentar di oven hingga keju lumer dan kecoklatan..
- Kami biasanya makan bersama gravy, smoked Dutch sausage dan mustard sedikit. Eet smakelijk 🇳🇱!.
A simple mash, yum! "Zuurkool stamppot met rookworst", a typical Dutch recipe of mashed potatoes and sauerkraut with smoked sausage. This can easily be made when camping in the. Although mashed potatoes are considered standard holiday fare, when they're spiced up with sauerkraut, they gain an added zing that's been a hit with Gina Davis's family ever since her grandmother, Mary Carson Hodges, started serving them years ago. Sauerkraut Mashed Potato Casserole is a warm and hearty dish made with sauerkraut, apples and creamy homemade mashed potatoes. This mashed potato casserole with sauerkraut and apples brings a new spin to a dinnertime staple!
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