Why is this sauerkraut better for you?
During fermentation, billions of beneficial bacteria are produced.
Sauerkraut is often one of the first fermentation projects recommended to curious DIY-ers, and with Sauerkraut is made by a process called lacto-fermentation.
Bahan Membuat Sauerkraut
- 500 Gr Kubis Putih.
- 300 Gr Kubis Ungu.
- 4 Sdm Himalayan Salt.
Langkah Memasak Sauerkraut
- Pertama cuci bersih dengan air mengalir kubis putih dan ungu ini.
- Lalu kemudian iris-iris kubis menjadi tipis-tipis.
- Kemudian masukkan kedalam baskom bersih.
- Remas-Remas kubis sampai merata, kemudian masukkan garam lalu remas-remas lagi hingga merata dan mengeluarkan air.
- Kemudian masukkan kedalam toples kaca sambil ditekan tekan dengan punggung tangan dan kemudian tutup rapat toples tersebut. Taruh toples diruangan dengan suhu hangat (Dapur misalnya) selama 3-4 Hari lalu masukkan kedalam kulkas..
Homemade sauerkraut, all salty and sour, is brilliantly easy to make at home. All you need is two Sauerkraut is a traditional fermented food made by allowing shredded cabbage and salt to ferment. Dill Pickle Raw Sauerkraut (Includes Step-by-Step Photos) Canned sauerkraut should be rinsed in a colander before eating to reduce the briny flavor, but fresh sauerkraut Enjoy low-calorie sauerkraut raw, right out of the jar as is, as a garnish, or salad, or. All it takes is some cabbage, some other vegetables if you'd like to include them, a storage Sauerkraut Benefits (with an Easy Homemade Sauerkraut Recipe). sauerkraut. A dish from Germany, which is mainly composed of shredded cabbage that has been fermented in vinegar and sometimes white wine.
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