Easy to follow diabetes management diet.
Looking for a one-week diabetic menu plan?
Here it is, compiled by a dietician to be used as a guideline.
Bahan Membuat SOP tahu (menu diet diabetes)
- 1 buah tahu (-+50 gr).
- 1/2 buah wortel potong.
- 5 buah buncis potong.
- 1 batang seledri cincang kasar.
- 1 sdt bumbu dasar putih.
- 250 ml air.
- Kaldu jamur.
- Garam.
Langkah Memasak SOP tahu (menu diet diabetes)
- Rebus air hingga mendidih, masukkan buncis, wortel dan tahu. Rebus hingga sayuran setengah matang. Masukkan bumbu dasar putih, garam dan kaldu jamur. Tunggu hingga mendidih dan matang. Matikan api terakhir masukkan irisan seledri. Nikmati selagi hangat..
A Diabetes diet involves foods that should be avoided or eaten in order to control blood sugar levels,reduce medication and/or possibly reverse diabetes. Lihat juga resep Sup Tahu Hokben enak lainnya! If you have diabetes, healthy eating helps keep your blood sugar in your target range. Learn how you can still have great tasting food with diabetes. See more ideas about Diabetic diet, Meal planning, Diabetes.
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